الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2009

action movies

Action Films. Good Or Bad ??What place does violence have in the movies? Well, Ibelieve that violence has a place in movies dependingon the particular film and what the director of thefilm is trying to portray. If the director usesviolence in his/her film and there isn't any reasonbehind it, then I would disagree and say that violenceshouldn't be in THAT particular film. But in a movielike "Saving Private Ryan", Steven Spielburgreplicates the actual events of D-Day on to the bigscreen by creating a violent-like scene to get theviewer of an understanding of what U.S. troops had togo through. In other films, we see violence used totest the human soul and to see if he/she/they couldovercome trials and tribulations. In the film"Independence Day", Earth was attacked "violently" byaliens; therefore, leaving behind a planet that wasalmost completely destroyed. The humans, aftersurviving the attack, joined forces with others aroundthe world and destroyed the alien invasion to regainEarth. In those two cases, I would agree and say thatviolence should be in the movies. The role of violencein films has been a big one. In some of today'smovies, its seems like the films portrays violence,but don't back it up with some reasoning orexplanation as to why the character is doing whathe/she is doing. "Shootfighter" is movie that comes tomind when I talk about movies with violence withoutreasoning or explanation. The movie is about twokarate instructors and their master going down toMexico to fight in an illegal shootfightingtournament. During the course of the movie, youwitness people getting sliced up and their heads cutoff with ninja swords, a fighter raping a girl becauseshe wouldn't do what she was told by the rapist, andother fighters...

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