الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2009


You may not be able to learn a foreign language in your sleep, but you can strengthen certain memories, according to a study in the journal Science.
The study, led by researchers at Northwestern University, found that hearing certain sounds during a nap helped people remember information associated with those sounds once they woke up.
"They were a little bit better, a little more accurate," says John Rudoy, a graduate student at Northwestern and the study's lead औथोर



That's vampire Edward Cullen talking to melancholy high school student Bella Swan in New Moon. And as far as on-screen promises go, it's one of the least likely to be kept in movie history: With most of the film still to unfold, and two more parts of the teen-friendly Twilight series in the works, we're all of us going to see as much of Edward and Bella as we can take. Maybe more.
In the short term, however, Edward proves as good as his word, leaving town for Bella's own good, and New Moon suffers as a result। The film keeps the two lovers apart for quite a spell, robbing the project of the crazy-in-love energy that made such a guilty pleasure out of the first entry in the series.

الخميس، 12 نوفمبر 2009

Causes of War Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report

my reaction is that the milita is cause of the war as it is says in this essay beacuse ths group of army does not follwo any one one they work for there self so some times its good and some times its bad they good if they hilped there country and bad if they turned to there country

Causes of War Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report summery

this essay talks about war causes-
Militarism is a strong military spirit
Alliance is the merging of efforts or interest by two or more groups
Imperialism is the policy of extending the rules or authority of a nation over foreign countries
Nationalism is the devotion of interest to one's own nation

Causes of War Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report

History Essay The main causes of war are militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Militarism is a strong military spirit or a belief that you have the best miliary force and can defeat an opponent. Alliance is the merging of efforts or interest by two or more groups. Imperialism is the policy of extending the rules or authority of a nation over foreign countries or by acquiring colonies. Nationalism is the devotion of interest to one's own nation. Militarism was found as one cause of World War I. Austria-Hungary had attacked Serbia. Russia entered the war to help Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia, believing that Russia's military was otherwise occupied. Germany felt they had the military strength to come out the victor. Because of their alliances, the United States joined the war to support their allies, including France, Russia, Italy, Japan, Britain, and Belgium. The Slavic people in Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be part of Austria-Hungary but instead they wanted to be part of Serbia. By their show of nationalism or patriotism

Mysteries Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report

my reaction is that is not true because i do not bealve in gohstes demons mybe and supernatural things i do think its true but i cant tell about the permouda tringel it could be right or it could wrong

Mysteries Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report summery

this is about meths and mysteries things -
how the gohst stories past down from genreation to genreation-